As winter recess approaches, supreme court judges prepare to hibernate
OTTAWA – Having written their last judgement and heard their final appeal for the year, the nine honourable members of Canada’s highest court spent last week preparing to enter their …
That’s just great! Red pants are finally in fashion the same year I get my darn legs severed in a motorcycle accident
By Amada Sweeps When it comes to fashion, I’m always ahead of my time, but honestly, I feel like the Gods, or some higher fashion power is stopping me from taking the credit I deserve. Red pants …
Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi acting like he doesn’t know what’s about to happen to him
EGYPT – With history about to repeat itself a mere two years since Hosni Murabak was ousted from his presidency and sentenced to life imprisonment, current Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi …
Even Satan impressed by Salvation Army theft
HELL – The news of David Rennie’s involvement in the scandalous theft of $2 million worth of toys from the Salvation Army, a charitable organization for which he served as president, has im…
8-year-old doesn’t realize he’s just lived the best day of his life
KINGSTON, ON – Local 8-year-old, Tommy Steiger, went to bed yesterday seemingly unaware he had just experienced the best day of his entire life. “Today was great! We went to the amuse…
Canada’s Economic Action Plan: A Breakdown
How has the money from Canada’s Economic Action Plan been spent? The chart is interactive. Try mousing over the slices or legend entries.…
No one has the heart to tell Justin Trudeau the Liberal party no longer exists
As Justin Trudeau continues his tour around the country, seeking to inspire Liberal Party members’ hearts and minds as his father did some 42 years ago, no one has yet worked up the courage…