“Couldn’t they have called the coronavirus something else?” asks local man named Covid-19 - The Beaverton

“Couldn’t they have called the coronavirus something else?” asks local man named Covid-19

CALGARY – The community now has a name for the that’s killed over a thousand people and sickened tens of thousands more, , and a man with the same name as the virus is not happy about it.

“How are people supposed to know that news reports about the virus aren’t about me?” complained -19, a 33-year-old accountant who lives in south Calgary. “The next time someone Googles my name, the number one search result will be ‘Covid-19 death toll rises’ or ‘Covid-19 causes major recession.’”

“I’ve never killed anyone. And yes, I have caused one minor recession, but that was years ago.”

The name Covid-19 (the virus, not the person) is a combination of the words ‘corona,’ ‘virus,’ ‘disease’ and the year it emerged. The name Covid-19 (the person, not the virus) is a combination of his parents’ first , Cora and David, and a random number to make him seem like a robot or clone because Cora and David are huge sci-fi fans.

“It took me decades to come to terms with my unusual name, and now I have to change it just because thousands of lives have been destroyed?” Covid-19 (the person, not the virus) said. “How is that fair? I wouldn’t say I’m the greatest victim of this virus, seeing as how it’s killed a large number of people, but I’m definitely one of its greatest victims. Top three thousand, at least.”

At press time, Covid-19 (the person, not the virus) had officially changed his name, creating what he hopes will be a new, less sensational moniker for himself out of his parents’ last names, Charles and Manson.