Ontario PCs warn dealing pot could land you 4 years in Queens Park - The Beaverton

Ontario PCs warn dealing pot could land you 4 years in Queens Park

– With the imminent legalization of pot next week, Ontario’s provincial has released new ads warning that illegal sales of pot could land them four years as a Premier.

“There are serious consequences for any teen or young if you deal, say, hash in Etobicoke outside government regulations,” warned Attorney General Caroline Mulroney while showcasing the new warnings. “If you do the , you will be sentenced to a majority government.”

The Ontario government emphasized that it does not condone behaviour that may one day lead a person to become a leader for 136 million people.

“It may seem harmless to have a crew of your friends and family hustle some skunk from your trunk, but those actions may come back to you as a seat on Council,” huffed Mulroney.

The AG reminded dealers that four years in the Legislature with a salary of $200,000 with unlimited political power would be tough with the constant supervision of OPP bodyguards and a chauffeur.

The advertisements duly note the side-effects of dealing pot including half-baked policies, long-term memory loss of , and buck-a-.

With files from Graham Kritzer