Arthur series to end with fan requested "Death of DW" episode - The Beaverton

Arthur series to end with fan requested “Death of DW” episode

Eldwood City, Pennsylvania – After 25 seasons, the animated ’s series is finally coming to an end with an ending producers insist “fans will love.”

“After 25 seasons, we’ve decided to give fans a happy ending,” said executive producer Marc Brown. “After everything DW has put the people around her through, Arthur will finally put her down for good in a climax we think children of all ages will love.”

Brown was hesitant to give too many details about the final episode, but explained Arthur will be put in a “situation” where he will have no choice but to gun down DW to save his family. “For decades DW has threatened Arthur about killing their whole family, and in this episode Arthur has had enough. What will complicate matters worse is that Buster will be found dead with a note attached to his body written by, you guessed , that little prankster DW. If Arthur doesn’t act fast, he’ll lose everyone who taught him the value of reading.”

The series became famous for addressing important issues families face like asthma, poverty, the lengths children must go to protect their families, what to do with children who are so poorly behaved they often take their parents hostage, and diabetes.

Many celebrities who have guest voiced characters including Yo-Yo Ma, Matt Damon, Joan Rivers, and Jane Lynch have signed on to revisit for the series finale just so they can finally see the light leave DW’s deranged eyeballs.

“When I was younger, Arthur was the first show that really encouraged me to read,” said Elizabeth Smith, a long-time fan of the series. “That love for reading then turned into a hatred of DW after watching her destroy the lives of everyone around her for so long. All the characters were trying to have fun while DW just kept saying ‘I’ll kill everyone here and not lose any sleep’ so what I’d really like in a series finale is watching that little girl die.”

In related news, producers have announced their show will also end with a fan requested “defunding of the paw .”