Oshawa, ON – Local man Keith Spahr is adding his voice to the millions of Canadians currently expressing gratitude at the people who are allowing us to buy groceries and other essential items during this crisis, just as he will later join his voice to the Canadians who vehemently believe service workers do not deserve a pay raise.
“Obviously doctors and nurses are heroes. But if it wasn’t for cashiers and fast food workers putting their own health on the line I don’t know where we’d be,” posted Keith on facebook to much agreement. Just as he will post on facebook in early 2021 that “burger flippers” shouldn’t be earning nearly as much as him.
“And it’s vital that we give them every resource they need to stay healthy. Except money. Just like happiness, money doesn’t buy health,” he added.
Spahr added that he is really grateful the government is sending him and other Canadians $2,000.00 a month to cover expenses, despite his continued opposition to universal basic income.
Despite the public health demand that we all stay at home Spahr has regularly ventured outside to get groceries, gas and take out. All made possible by the efforts of people who, once this is over, will again request a minimum wage of 15 dollars an hour, only to be told by Spahr and others that they are trying to destroy the economy.
“Now is the time to recognize that workers, especially so-called ‘unskilled workers’ are really the backbone of our society,” said Ontario Premier Doug Ford, who has won acclaim from liberals for his sympathetic approach to the pandemic. “As long as that recognition doesn’t result in any fiscal or economic restructuring once life gets back to normal.”
However, after taking some time to think about Spahr said he had reconsidered, and now would be open to raising the minimum wage during the next global pandemic.