Celebrity reassures other celebrities that it’s okay to be totally fine right now - The Beaverton

Celebrity reassures other celebrities that it’s okay to be totally fine right now

– In a group chat with a long list of like-minded famous acquaintances, multi-platinum recording artist John Legend assured his fellow that they could not be faulted or judged for feeling totally fine right now.

“As -19 sweeps the world,” wrote the singer-songwriter-producer-actor-philanthropist, “there can be a lot of social pressure to think or act a certain way. can be hard to remember that your personal feelings about this situation are absolutely valid. If you have not been affected at all by ’s stay at home order, and if – like thousands of American celebrities – hanging out in your huge, luxurious home for months has literally no bearing on your livelihood or emotional state… you should not feel bad about this.”

Legend, known worldwide for his compassion, empathetic outlook, and wife, went on to write:

“There are innumerable celebrities in this country who have never known what day of the week it was, always cover their faces in public, have never shopped in a grocery store, and (I myself can attest!) have always maintained social distancing, even at packed stadium and arena concerts.”

’s lack of impact on our lives is undeniable and we need to be able to talk about that.”

“After all,” the Oscar-winning performer concluded, “some celebrities will not see the end of this . Because our personal assistants won’t tell us when it’s over, and we’ll forget to ask.”