New CBC article ranks top 5 murderous dictatorships that can help grow your RSP - The Beaverton

New CBC article ranks top 5 murderous dictatorships that can help grow your RSP

Luke and the Panel (Dave Atkinson, Aaron Hagey-MacKay and Andrew Ivimey) refuse to let the news get them down. They talk ’s influence over the mail bomber (2:30) and the synagogue shooter (11:30), plus his attempt to use an executive order to eliminate the 14th amendment (17:00) while one of his fans plotted to bring down the Mueller investigations (22:30) They also make fun of ’s new crazy leader (31:30) and ’s semi-new crazy one (38:00). And because the news is depressing, Luke reads some to make everyone feel happy. Plus the Approximately Ten Minute Long finds out what has annoyed the Satanic Temple this week.