B.C. exits from Wexit with BCexitwexit - The Beaverton

B.C. exits from Wexit with BCexitwexit

VICTORIA – The province of B.C. would like prairie separatists to please desist from calling their sovereignty movement (Western Exit) and are hoping to drive this point home in language the Wexiters can understand by coining the term BCexitwexit.

“If wants an Albertadieu or Saskachewan wants a Saskatchewithdrawl or they both want a Saskalbertaketheirleave or manage to rope in for a Albersaskmanitatafornow, that’s their business. But stop dragging us into ,” said BCexitwexiter Kyle Vasquez.

While the Wexit secessionist movement centered in Alberta is relatively tiny at the moment, it’s worrying enough that B.C. is pushing back with its own pro-Canada movements that include BCexitwexit, BCremain, and BContinuetobepartofCanadabecausethealternativeisludicrous.

“They’ve roped in two uninterested territories and a province with this misleading ,” said BClinger Sophia Landow. “Not the most auspicious start for a movement full of people who claim they are doing this because they are tired of being ignored.”

“Or maybe it’s just that none of them know how to read a map.”

The Wexit ringleaders have yet to comment on the Bcexitwexit movement because they’re too busy sharing racist memes on Facebook and calling Justin a pedophile.