Canadian media promise to start covering NDP leadership as soon as Kellie Leitch runs for NDP leader - The Beaverton

Canadian media promise to start covering NDP leadership as soon as Kellie Leitch runs for NDP leader

Every week Beaverton editor-in-chief Luke Gordon Field assembles some of the country’s best comedians and writers to talk, mock and riff their way through the of the week. Then he puts their knowledge to the test in a very important where the winner gets absolutely nothing. Part panel show, part interview, is an hilarious look at what’s going on in the world around us. ’ll be just like watching CNN, only funnier and with fewer erectile dysfunction ads.

Luke is joined by , and . Together they ask the question we are all wondering: Four hosts of ? Four? (3:00). But also: will this turn into a Fleetwood Mac during Rumors situation (7:00)? And in a year will there be less hosts of the National, or even more (10:00)? Then: Is the Mooch the greatest political operative of all time (12:00)? And why won’t the media give the race any love (23:00)? Plus the Approximately 10 Minute Long Quiz comes up with a plan for peace in the middle east.