Wow! Donald Sutherland only allows Kiefer 20 minutes of Nintendo time every day! - The Beaverton

Wow! Donald Sutherland only allows Kiefer 20 minutes of Nintendo time every day!

And you thought your were harsh! turns out that legend keeps a close eye on how much Nintendo son Kiefer is allowed to play each day before bed.

“Call me old fashioned, but I just don’t think it’s good for his eyes,” the 81-year-old star of the film said, “Plus, his last few haven’t exactly been up to snuff. So even if Kiefer begs me for just another five minutes, I stand my ground and tell him to turn it off and start washing up.”

The elder Sutherland has stated that it is important for him to set boundaries for Kiefer, Emmy winner and current star of , so that he grows up alright. Still, Donald is no ogre. On some weekends before dinner, he has been known to gently whisper to his son that if he finishes all his greens and learns his lines for Monday’s scene with Kurtwood Smith as the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, he can for one full hour! Adorbs!

“I don’t know what Kiefer does when he stays over at (ex-wife) Shirley’s but under my roof it’s usually 20 minutes and then prayers before bed,” Donald Sutherland mentioned, “He’s been bugging me to get him a Nintendo Gamer’s Cube or something like that but we’ll have to see. Maybe for Christmas.”

And a lot of Hollywood parents are apparently paying attention to the strategy, with everyone from Martin Sheen to Goldie Hawn starting to limit how much screen time they let their A-list have. But not everyone is so appreciative.

“It’s kinda unfair, if you ask me,” said from Donald’s basement rumpus room, “I mean Mike’s dad Kirk (Douglas) just got him a PS4 and he’s allowed as much pop and Doritos as he wants. Last week they even went to a movie after Mike’s bedtime! Totally bogus!”

Kiefer himself seems a little bitter if you ask us. If the star of Invasion of the Body Snatchers tells you to turn off the video games and do your chores, you should listen.