Healthcare worker convoy cancelled again due to 16-hour hospital shift - The Beaverton

Healthcare worker convoy cancelled again due to 16-hour hospital shift

– A much anticipated convoy of nurses, doctors, personal support workers, and other healthcare professionals have once again called off their trip to Parliament Hill after being called into for the next 16 hours, possibly longer.

Plans were put off for the 720th time to vocalize their positions, which may have highlighted the critical staffing shortages, self-destructive policies, and lack of preparation, claiming that they had to work a double shift.

“I really wanted to send our message to all the politicians in Ottawa that…,” said one ER doctor in a crowded hospital before he was interrupted by a code blue situation.

There were no hospital staff available to give their opinions on whether vaccine mandates were necessary as they were too busy treating the opponents of the vaccine mandates.

One burned-out nurse, who hadn’t slept in 36 hours, said that she did not have a full week to drive across and call herself a hero for it.

Cancer patients who have had critical appointments cancelled due to -19 outbreaks were unable to attend any rally claiming that they did not want to die.

At press time, ICU staff polled said that they didn’t have enough time to deal with the Rally protestors’ bullshit unless it involved intubating them.