Report: Everyone else’s summer hopes and ambitions fulfilled except yours - The Beaverton

Report: Everyone else’s summer hopes and ambitions fulfilled except yours

SACKVILLE, NB – Early reports indicate that everybody on Earth had achieved all they wanted to do this Well everyone except you.

According to sources every single human alive had made time to let go of the busyness of the week and had escaped to a cottage or beach or provincial park notwithstanding present company.

Many, if not all, people had backpacked through Europe, attended a summer music festival, and created a light dessert using seasonal fruit while you did close to nothing for the past three months.

“Well a typical weekend for me included barbeques, fireworks, canoeing, golfing, experiencing sunrises and sunsets, taking road trips with friends, discovering a dead body by a river bank, and of course taking afternoon naps in a hammock,” your dear closest friend had to say. “I really wish you would have showed up! What happened?”

Insiders close to you say that the entirety of the masses carved out time to find true love and get married, write that novel they’ve been putting off, and to learn a foreign language. You barely made time to imagine such possibilities.

Everyone understood that time has a way of moving faster the older we get and instead of being paralyzed by that fact, like you, they chose instead to embrace the warm waning days of summer.

They did not end every work day by crawling into bed and watching generic Netflix series after Netflix series. They recreated the spontaneity of by running through sprinklers and eating popsicles.

The entire populace has plans to dream even bigger next summer and do even more with the time they’ve been given. You had better not kid yourself.