By Margaret Dyer
Enough is enough. Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals have shown that are completely unable to run this province. I’m tired of incompetence, of cronyism, and of corporations coming first. That’s why on June 7th of next year I’ll be voting for—oh. Oh…
Look, I know we’ve made a lot of great social strides in the last few years but social issues are only one side of governing. With Patrick Brown out, the PCs are sure to be the best choice. When they finally elect a leader I mean. Unless that leader is Doug Ford. Uh…
Well wait. Let me reconsider the Ontario NDP. It’s been a long time since the Bob Rae days. I’ll vote for Andrea Horwath, who stands alone at the political… centre? No, wait, that was where she stood in 2011, I think… The centre-right maybe? Nope, that was 2014. Hmm.
Maybe I will just vote Lib—actually no, definitely not, because now I’m remembering eHealth, the gas plants, and now goddamn Hydro. God, these shitty Liberals.
You know, I guess 2018 is gonna be a spit in the bucket anyway. When I really think about it, it would probably take even the best possible leader at least 20 years to fix Ontario’s systemic economic problems and that even then they’d probably fuck it up and make potatoes cost $300 a bag or something like that.
So, what the hell. My name is Margaret Dyer, and on June 7th of next year I’ll be voting for the Green Party of Ontario, or something.
Jesus, I don’t know.