Journalists criticize Clinton for not moderating debate - The Beaverton

Journalists criticize Clinton for not moderating debate

Hempstead, NY – Following the first debate of the 2016 United States presidential race, members of the media are furious that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for failing to moderate the debate while simultaneously taking part in the debate.

As journalists from CNN, MSNBC, the , Fox , talk , and KFSU Northridge High weighed in on the spirited debate, a consensus emerged that Hillary Clinton failed to take responsibility for policing the rules of the debate against Donald while also debating him.

“If Hillary can’t be bothered to moderate her own debate while also fact-checking the endless torrent of misleading comments from (Donald) Trump, how can she ever expect to be ?” asked , senior editor of The Atlantic. Frum later added, “and would it have killed Hillary to smile more?”

Following the debate, Trump took to , slamming his Democratic opponent for failing to challenge him when he made patently untrue or ridiculous statements. “Crooked Hillary barely stopped me when I claimed I never said Climate Change was a Chinese hoax. Sad.”

Reached for comment, debate had harsh criticism for Clinton. “Donald Trump was able to interrupt her over 70 times during the debate. If Clinton was a real moderator she never would have let that happen.”

At press time, Donald Trump denied he ever took part in a debate against Hillary Clinton in Hempstead, NY.