Dixie Cups quietly changes name to Cups - The Beaverton

Dixie Cups quietly changes name to Cups

DALLAS, TEXAS – In response to the recent wave of civil rights protests against brutality and erupting throughout North America, iconic paper product company Dixie Cups has decided to drop the first part of their name and just go as Cups. 

“The name Dixie is a reminder of the racist past of the Southern United States,” said Cups spokesperson Rhonda Abernathy. “We’re cup half full kind of people, except when ’s full of the blood of those who continue to suffer the consequences of slavery.”

, like our cups, can and should be thrown out.”

Dixie or Dixieland refers to a region in the south that is made up of former states. The cultural traditions of Dixie still maintain attitudes and idealizations of the Confederate past. Cups realized it was best to not associate with that region due to the rising racial tensions in the United States and a general feeling of not wanting to seem like a racist on social media.

The brand formerly known as Dixie Cups has a storied of political activism. In 2003, they printed out a special series of cups protesting the War. They also provided millions of cups to help contain the floods after Katrina in 2005. However, they are mostly known for releasing the song “Not Ready to Make Ice” about global warming in 2006. 

Dixie Cups wanted to follow in the steps of Lady Antebellum, who rebranded as Lady A, and go as D Cups. After debating the name they realized the name D Cups was already taken by a group of hostile bras.

“We’d also like to express our gratitude to all the other ‘Cups’ out there who graciously allowed us to share our name.” Abernathy went on to say. “This includes ’s 2012 hit single ‘Cups’, and also just regular non-disposable cups.”

While Cups is taking a stand for their beliefs, competitor Red Solo Cups have refused to comment, claiming that they are both fiscally and socially conservative.