Victoria, B.C. – Vanessa Grafton, 29, recently realized that every single one of her close friends is currently knocked up.
“The situation didn’t really set in at first,” said Grafton. “I just knew that I was spending a lot of my weekends at baby showers.”
“Also baby showers have free champagne and cupcakes, so that certainly didn’t improve the clarity of my thinking.”
Though at differing stages, Ashley, Monica, Jen R, Jen M, Cindy, Ann-Marie, Sue and Jen D are all currently expecting a child, and each one of them are super excited and #blessed.
“To be honest, I kind of forgot about Cindy because I hadn’t seen her in a while and her insta is still all photos of her working out. But then I ran into her at the mall and it was like, oh yeah,” said Grafton, who recently broke up with her long-term boyfriend.
Ashley, Jen D and Ann-Marie are all opting for natural childbirths in hospital, while Jens R and M will be getting epidurals. Sue isn’t sure, while Monica is thinking of doing a water birth. Meanwhile Vanessa is thinking about giving Yoga another shot.
“It’s hard seeing all your friends move forward with their lives. But I guess I’ll just have to deal with the fact that in a few months they’ll all be exhausted, stressed and covered in poop while I get to sleep in and have complete freedom to do what I want, when I want. Somehow I think I’ll manage.”