Woman on death row’s final meal request: “I don’t know, whatever you want” - The Beaverton

Woman on death row’s final meal request: “I don’t know, whatever you want”

RICHMOND, VA – When faced with the decision of selecting her final meal, death-row inmate Sherry Burns declared that she was “cool with whatever.”

“All I wanted to know was what she wanted to eat. I just needed a simple decision. After all, this is a really special occasion, and she knew it was the one night she could pick whatever she wanted,” grumbled Warden, Bill Davis.

Davis originally suggested she choose burritos. He noted over the past few years Burns had enjoyed them on multiple occasions.

“I know exactly what I don’t want to eat,” said the convicted murderer, “and that would be burritos. But I don’t care, I’m not really picky. Plus we like, always, always, have burritos.” stated Burns. Davis confirmed they had indeed had burritos on previous nights; however, noted it was “impossible”  for them to have “always” had burritos, as he recalled Monday had been pizza night.

Davis then suggested Italian food, because “you can’t go wrong with Italian food.” But Burns informed him that she had already had that for lunch two days ago. Burn’s began to grow concerned that even after 14 incarcerated, it seemed as if Davis didn’t even know her.

In an act of desperation, Davis listed any food he could think of.

“Thai?” he offered, but Thai made Burns gassy.

“Sushi?” Davis suggested, but Burns replied with a potent “Ehh.”

“Greek? From that one guy you like.” he proposed, but Burn’s had to remind Davis that she didn’t really trust that guy anymore.

After countless suggestions, it was nearing 11:30 PM when the argument was finally settled and Burns chose to go with Italian food. After the decision was confirmed, Burns made it clear that despite the past hours of bickering, she would have “honestly been okay with anything.”

Burns’ lethal injection occurred at 12:01 AM.