Men’s Rights Activists demand equal sexual harassment - The Beaverton

Men’s Rights Activists demand equal sexual harassment

KINGSTON – At a recent university rally, Men’s Right’s Activists demanded their “fair share” of Canada’s sexual harassment, and accused “militant feminists” of refusing to objectify them.

Nearly dozens of MRAs (Men’s Right’s Activists) descended on the Queen’s University campus to state their case for increased “lady on dude” sexual harassment. Speaking to the assembled crowd was noted Jared Dillon, 36, president of the national advocacy group More Equality For Men. In his address, Dillon demanded an end to the unfair advantages Canadian women enjoy in the areas of lewd advances, victimization, whistling, and creepy phone calls.

More Equality For Men have made recent headlines contending that males actually experience far more discrimination than females, despite what statistics, research, and common sense says. Additionally, MEFM contends that this systemic inequality facing men is the direct result of the rise of feminism, particularly “the ugly ones.”

At the rally Dillon worked the raucous and generally pasty crowd into a frenzy. “Apparently we’re good enough to pay child support, but not good enough to be leered at or get unwelcome comments regarding our butts,” Dillon shouted, before going on to outline More Equality For Men’s list of demands. These include :

  • A fivefold increase in the amount of sexual harassment and catcalls directed at men
  • A signed apology from “Feminists”, admitting that this is all somehow their fault
  • Official recognition of the fact that most men would also “be prettier if they smiled more”
  • A court-ordered increase in women hitting on men, including a “no fatties” subclause and “(Dillon) not paying any more child support to that ho-bag, Melissa”

During the rally many MEFM members were vocal about the group’s aims. “Fixing this imbalance shouldn’t be that hard, since we all know that incidents of harassment are grossly inflated by the Feminist Industrial Complex anyway,” said Kevin Martin, 35.

In a follow-up interview, Dillon expanded on MEFM’s message during a fifteen minute break from his job as Assistant Manager of the Cataraqui Centre Mall Orange Julius. “Screeching feminists insist that they’re only after equal pay and workplace opportunities for women, but as soon as a few men stand up and ask for the same sexual harassment women get, the conversation gets awfully quiet. I think you see where I’m going with this.” Asked where he was going with this, Dillon blurted, “women get all the pap smears they want, but whenever I ask for one my doctor says ‘that’s literally impossible’. So who’s being discriminated against now?”

When asked if MEFM’s efforts could extend to reducing sexual harassment that women face, Dillon proceeded to scream about, “men’s right to an abortion” for the next half an hour.