BUCKINGHAM PALACE – The expectant Duchess of Cambridge has politely declined an offer from reality television star Kim Kardashian to accompany her to a pre-natal yoga class.
The noted celebrity reality TV star apparently was so keen on the idea of being pregnancy buddies with the future queen of Great Britain, she offered to fly all the way to London from the Unites States for the proposed yoga date.
Ms. Kardashian tweeted the following message last week:
@duchessofcambridge Let’s do prenatal yoga and froyo? I’ll come to you in Kanye’s G6 #preggersbuds #famouspreggyprincess #yummiemummiesunite
Middleton sent her regrets in a perfectly handwritten Smythson thank you note informing the American celebutante that she would be unable to attend such an outing due to “commitments that have most unfortunately been scheduled to take up every possible moment” of her entire second and third trimesters.
Not so polite, however, was Kate’s sister, Pippa. Upon seeing Kardashian’s overtures of friendship, Pippa Middleton took to her own Twitter account to send the following:
@KimKardashian My sis does not hang out with tacky American chavs. She is a fucking princess.
At press time, the duchess was not available for comment on her younger sister’s developing feud with the gestator of Kanye West’s offspring, but Ms. Kardashian herself told reporters, “I get that Pippa was just being protective. She reminds me so much of my own little sister, Khloe, who is always telling off my nemesis, Tyra Banks. You know, when you think of it, our families really aren’t so different.”