No one shows up to Michael Ignatieff’s basketball party - The Beaverton

No one shows up to Michael Ignatieff’s basketball party

OTTAWA – None of the 25 guests invited by to his weekend -birthday party either showed up or sent an RSVP, the former Liberal Party leader told reporters.

“Maybe there was a problem with the Evite I sent out,” Ignatieff said from an empty basketball court nearing its rental expiration time. “I used my personal email account because I no longer can access my old work email, so maybe my friends with Liberal Party accounts had it sent to their junk mail or something? Then again, I spoke to Bob Rae about a month ago and he said he’d try to make it. He could have at least let me know what’s up.”

Ignatieff’s basketball party was the worst attended sports-themed political party in the history of the Liberal Party, surpassing ’s 1931 beach-croquet party, attended by only two people.