Person you would never trust with a gun also a pro-gun advocate - The Beaverton

Person you would never trust with a gun also a pro-gun advocate

– The person you would never trust owning and operating a gun is now calling for a complete end to restrictions on assault weapons.

Using , the guy you knew from high has posted several explanations on why automatic assault weapons should be allowed including deterring globalists and any that wants to take them away.

The activist has launched a campaign trying to persuade others that the “gun nuts” like him are just ordinary people who wear bulletproof vests and keep a stockpile of weapons in the event of a civil war.

“You Trevor? Yeah, that guy was kind of scary,” said an acquaintance who always found his views kind of disturbing. “Like, he was always angry at something.”

The individual that you wouldn’t trust operating a car let alone a firearm has long advocated for a Canadian-style

“I wouldn’t want to be his family member that he mistakes for an intruder,” said one of his colleagues.