Getting fired from Concordia third highest-paying job in Montreal - The Beaverton

Getting fired from Concordia third highest-paying job in Montreal

MONTREAL — In light of former Concordia CFO Sonia Trudel’s $235,000 severance package after a work period of just 90 days, “Getting Fired From Concordia” has officially ranked as the third highest-paying job in Montreal.

The news was broken by Concordia’s student newspaper “The Link”, which has since shut down due to lack of funding from the school.

Experts have noted that Trudel’s severance pay is equivalent to the combined average yearly salary of more than ten recent Concordia B.A. graduates and the cost of tuition for a single international student.

Trudel’s severance package has also piqued the interest of certain underpaid members of Concordia’s faculty. “Oh, I’m actively trying to get fired at this point,” said 19th Century History professor Gordon Welch. “I’ve just been making up historical figures in class. I gave an entire lecture on the hegemonic ambitions of Count Chocula’s Communist regime.”

Although some have criticized Trudel’s golden parachute, others see it as an inspiration. “Trudel’s achievement is truly a remarkable one,” said Concordia undergraduate student Lee Francis. “With hard work and dedication, perhaps one day I too can be fired from Concordia.”