63% of Canadians opposed to non-existent government program that gives Syrian refugees free iPhones - The Beaverton

63% of Canadians opposed to non-existent government program that gives Syrian refugees free iPhones

VANCOUVER – A new study by the Conservative leaning has found that a sizable majority of Canadians do not agree with the government plan to give Syrian refugees free 6s which does not exist.

“The results of this survey clearly indicate that Canadians are not comfortable with the Trudeau government’s refugee plan,” said institute head Geoff Foster. “Especially the parts we just made up to stoke the embers of fear and xenophobia.”

“I mean, if the government were to give each and every refugee a free phone, or maybe a pre-paid $5,000.00 Visa card, or a house in that neighbourhood you want to move to, that WOULD be pretty outrageous right?” he added.

In addition to the phone issue, the survey found that over 90% of Canadians would not be in favour of being legally required to move to as part of a refugee-Canadian exchange program.

Local man Matt DeHunt was outraged by the government’s actions as told to him by an article headline he read on Facebook.

“The government’s first job is to keep Canadians safe. Why should we be bringing in all these Syrians when we have homeless people and veterans here who are completely iPhoneless! Do iPhones even have Syrian as a language setting option?”

“I also heard that Syrian refugees were allowed to take Matt DeHunt’s job at the power plant. I’m Matt DeHunt!”

Interestingly, the Fraser Institute did acknowledge that 93% of Canadians would be fine with giving the refugees free Blackberries, and mentioned they had a bunch of old ones lying around the house if anybody wanted.