LOS ANGELES – Matthew Weiner, creator of the popular drama Mad Men, has warned fans of his show that they might want to skip its upcoming final season if they want to avoid any potential spoilers.
“Unfortunately for fans of the show, and despite all our best efforts, the final season of Mad Men will absolutely contain some previously unrevealed information,” said Weiner at a press conference. “Some of it will even be about Don.”
Following Weiner’s statement, many fans have written to AMC demanding that they begin each episode in the final season with a warning that spoilers for the final season may be contained in that episode of the final season.
“I don’t understand why Weiner is sacrificing all the good will he’s earned over the years by blabbing a bunch of spoilers at the last minute,” said megafan Sid Kapoor. “He’s had six seasons to do that. Why not take a lesson from Don Draper and keep all those secrets bottled up inside?”
The notoriously secretive Weiner claimed he had no intention of filling the final seven episodes with formerly untold details about the lives of his characters. However, his actors say otherwise.
“I show up to set, ready to shoot, and the first thing that happens is Matt [Weiner] hands me a script full of spoilers,” said an exasperated January Jones. “Every single page had at least one line of dialogue, and that completely ruined the final season for me. I’m not even going to watch it. What’s the point?”
At press time, Game of Thrones fans had managed to preemptively halt the release of spoilers by killing George R.R. Martin.