OTTAWA – Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has announced a new program to attract the most desirable economic immigrants by promptly issuing them a cab license.
“Canada has a labour shortage in some of the most in-demand jobs,” announced Alexander in the House of Commons. “Fully qualified immigrants who are doctors, software engineers, financial managers, and pharmacists in their native countries are desperately needed to chauffeur Canadians. This is why we are granting a free cab permit to any immigrant with more than five years of post-secondary education and work experience. We will only accept the very best to drive our cabs.”
Jyoti Pravin, a former doctor in India and now living in Canada, is glad to hear that the government is finally doing something.
“I’m so happy that to see that the government is providing me an opportunity in something that I have never considered doing before until my poverty forced me to do so,” said the Indian cardiologist who has a medical degree and training that is not recognized in Canada.
At press time, the government revealed a new program to attract foreign aeronautical engineers to meet the labour shortages in the domestic servant industry.