Federal government introduces new immigration demerit point system - The Beaverton

Federal government introduces new immigration demerit point system

OTTAWA – Immigration Minister announced today a new immigrant demerit point licensing system to compliment the existing immigration point system.

The demerit point system – inspired by former Immigration Minister –  is meant to deter reckless immigrant behavior such as using health and social services or failing to properly integrate into Canadian society.

“Today, Canadians can feel reassured that our immigration system is working for them,” Minister Alexander said outside of the House of Commons. “ who exploit a taxpayer funded system with things such as broken bones, social support and education will not be tolerated.”

Demerit points will mean higher life and health insurance premiums for new arrivals.

Below is a breakdown of the new Immigration Demerit Point System:

1 point

Being an immigrant

2 points

Improper immigration paperwork;

Failing to signal that you’re an immigrant;

Standing too closely;

Failure to obey cultural signals

3 points

Prohibited use of basic health care;

Prohibited use of accent;

Failing to yield basic rights to their employer

5 points

Being under the influence of welfare while being an immigrant

According to sources, immigrants exceeding 4 or more demerit points face a suspension of their immigration status, deportation or being relocated to Melville, Saskatchewan.