Sarnia City Council passes bylaw requiring mayor to wear dog muzzle - The Beaverton

Sarnia City Council passes bylaw requiring mayor to wear dog muzzle

, ON – In a move that escalates the sanctions against the Mayor of Sarnia, city council passed a by-requiring the Mayor to wear a dog muzzle when he’s within 50 meters of city staff.

“We are still concerned about the mayor’s history of verbal, psychological, and supervisory abuse and, hence, Mayor Bradley will now be required to wear a facial barrier to further deter any harassment, snide comments, and bites,” explained Councillor Cindy Scholten.

The move comes a week after council decided to relocate the mayor’s office and restrict his access to city hall in response to report stated that he was abusive towards four municipal staff. Councillors believe that this new measure will reduce Bradley’s tendency to bully and use derogatory nicknames and are considering extending the muzzle bylaw to all Bradley breeds.

In addition to the new muzzle measure, the mayor will only be allowed in designated off-leash Mike Bradley zones throughout the city where he is prohibited to bark at anyone or make sarcastic remarks towards someone’s work ethic. Otherwise, the Mayor must be kept on a leash no longer than 1.8 meters in length and must register with the city every year.

Bradley will have a chance to have the muzzle removed the moment he passes his sensitivity and obedience training and gets along with all of the other politicians and bureaucrats.