KINGSTON, ON – The Tragically Hip has announced that it will be cancelling its final national tour as the members of the band were unable to acquire tickets to any of the 15 events they were set to perform at.
The group made the announcement after it became clear that TicketMaster had already sold the band’s backstage passes to scalpers and was unable to purchase them back at a reasonable price.
“$3,500 just to see myself perform!”said Gord Downie, looking at the prices on StubHub. “And that’s in US dollars?!”
The iconic Canadian group claimed that they made several efforts to obtain stage level tickets. Guitarist Paul Langlois, drummer Johnny Fay and bassist Gord Sinclair all made desperate appeals on their Facebook accounts, but the few friends that had tickets refused to barter away their prized admissions into what would have been one of the greatest live music shows in Canadian history.
The band explained that guitarist Rob Baker nearly obtained two 300 level tickets at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg but was timed out as he fumbled with his credit card to complete the transaction.
“That was our only chance guys; I’m so sorry,” said a remorseful Baker to his fellow band members with his head down low.