Racism can be traced back tens of thousands of years to cave paintings in France, where early homo-sapiens are depicted in “Neanderthal Face.” Although scientists are coming to the conclusion that race cannot be divided by skin colour, few would disagree the success of white people have had in being racist, just ask the Washington Redskins or Donald Trump. Speaking of honkies here are ten underutilized racist names for white people.
1. Claptons – The origin of the term came from when Jimi Hendrix jammed with Eric Clapton onstage at a Cream concert and every white person in the venue, including Clapton, shit their pants.
2. Forgéts – Refers to white people’s ability to forget specific historical events with regards to the people they “relocated.”
3. Krackers – In 2001 the beloved racial epithet for white people was amended to “Krackers” due to the immense popularity of singer Uncle Kracker. At the time Uncle Kracker was the “Crackiest Kracker” anyone (including “crackers”) had ever seen.
4. Ashleys – Like, they’re all named fucking Ashley.
5. Spicy Mayonnaise – Because that is literally the spiciest thing they can handle.
6. Starbacks – Just hang around any Starbucks at 2pm and await the herd.
7. V. Brows – Refers to the look on white peoples face before they take something from you.
8. Jager Dons – Those dudes who always make you do shots of jager, when you don’t fucking want to.
9. Lee Skank Perries – If you’re dancing with a bunch of white people and Reggae music comes on, just watch.
10. Crawleys – Origins are unknown outside white culture, but as far as our researchers have found out, it’s got something to do with a tv show called Downtown Abbey