Yukon is one of the last jurisdictions in Canada not to have a motto, but a local Legion is hosting a competition to change that. Here’s the shortlist:
1. Not Alaska
2. Yukon: We’ll keep your car plugged in for you
3. Inebrious in extremis
4. Yukon: Where you can pretend you’re not from Ontario
5. Come for the job, stay because you’re snowed in for 8 months
6. Yukon: Now with 30% more internet outages
7. Come Yukon, Tasty Human. Grizzly Bear not in Charge. Not in Charge at all.
8. For chrissake, stop asking about our ‘potatoes’
9. Yukon: 33,000 people can’t be wrong!
10. Yukon: Where everyone knows your name, address and sex life
11. A Frozen European Explorer in Every Garage
12. British Columbia’s toque
13. Yukon: When you’re too “real” for regular society
14. Yukon: And you thought Winnipeg was bad