Conservative MP Brad Butt claims he saw Big Foot stealing voter cards - The Beaverton

Conservative MP Brad Butt claims he saw Big Foot stealing voter cards

OTTAWA – The Member of who claimed he saw people committing voter fraud is now claiming he saw Sasquatch stealing voter cards out of recycling bins.

“Mr. Speaker, I have seen this before” said the -Streetsville Conservative MP in the House of Commons. “Voter cards are delivered to community mailboxes in an apartment building, many of them are discarded in the garbage and then the elusive Big Foot picks them all up, delivers them to a campaign office and then distributes them for the purposes of voter fraud.”

Mr. Butt recently retracted from his previous fraudulent claim about voter fraud, but this time he was certain that he saw a hairy, three meter ape-man creature rummaging through a recycling bin and then distributing them to an “unnamed” campaign office during the 2011 federal election.

“And since the Sasquatch is all for preserving his habitat, we all know which political party he would support” Butt asserted with a quick glance to MP Elizabeth May.

At press time, Butt claims he took a few pictures of the 500 ibs beast delivering the cards, but says the pictures didn’t come out right.