Fashion, music, TV. It seems everywhere you look the 1990’s are back. Unless you look at a calendar in which case you see that it’s not. Let’s take a look at what makes the 1990’s so memorable with 7 things you already knew about the 1990’s.
1. The 1990’s lasted for ten years. The 1990’s contained ten separate calendar years. These years were; 1990, 1994, 1991, 1995, 1992, 1996, 1993, 1997, 1999 and 1998. But you already knew that! If you possess the cognitive skills to read whole sentences you can also count to ten.

2. The last year of the millennium was in the 1990’s. 1999, which was in fact a part of the 90’s, was the last year of the millennium. A millennium is a grouping of 1000 years. 1999 was the 1000th year in that grouping and therefore the last. But you already knew that! Not only was 1999 widely publicized as the last year of the millennium at the time, anyone who knew the the definition of millennium could easily deduce this for themselves.

3. 1995 and 1994 were in the middle of the 1990’s. Approximately half of the 1990’s occurred before 1994/1995 and half occurred after 1994/1995 placing those two years square in the middle of the of the 1990’s. But you already knew that! 4/5 is in the middle of every decade. This is a simple concept that can easily be applied to each decade including the 1990’s.

4. The 90’s were in the past. The decade of 1990 to 1999 happened in the past and not the present or future. But you already knew that! Even babies and puppies grasp that time is linear. Why are you reading this piece? The information is simply reasoning put together. Will the 1990’s ever happen again? No. As previously stated they are definitely in the past and not the future.

5. People born in the 1990’s are now between the ages of 26 and 16. People born in the first year of the decade are now 26 and people born in the last year of the decade are now 16, meaning that everyone born in the decade is in between these ages. But you already knew that! Human aging, much like time itself, is both linear and constant.
6. Many people write clickbait about the 90’s. Driven by the pressure to get the most page clicks for the least amount of money and time many websites write meaningless lists that pander to the nostalgia of 20 and thirty somethings. But you already knew that! You’re reading a list about a dumb decade because you feel dumb nostalgia. Dumb.

7. Human’s were alive in the 1990’s. Humans’ were alive in the 1990’s and they did many human things such as eat, sleep and watch television. But you already knew that! The majority of the earth’s population was alive during the 1990’s. Even discounting this personal testimony there is much evidence of human life in the 1990’s including photos, videos and Barney Bentall and the Legendary Hearts song Livin in the 90’s. Will humans be alive during the 2090’s. Who knows? But one thing is certain they were alive in the 1990’s.
